Thursday, January 5, 2012

My Own Magic

All of you who is reading this post unites at least one thing: you are here. :-) So am I. From the moment we born ourselves here, we experience the influence of environment and people around us. We depend on parental love, care and provision. We identify ourselves in accordance of how we perceived by  authority figures in our life.
 How many of us had parents who were/are in harmony with themselves and the world around? Who loved us unconditionally, who saw and supported our inner magic?

I imagine not overwhelmingly high number of people.
In order to receive love we often learned how we need to be, we adjusted to get the necessary attention.

We thought that if only ... they saw me/I was more like.../ if I could do...(fill the gap with yours) we will receive more love and attention, and somehow our life will be better.

I wonder if we twist our inner magic as a result. We forget we have one inside of us and it is unique to us and it is our guide in life. We want the life we want, but the twisted and adjusted magic withing us doesn't light the way as naturally as it could.

And then one day we decide to re-discover this magic, and we go inside... because that is where it lives. And so the inner journey begins.

To create our own Universe we got to find our own magic. We got to invite ourselves to know all we know about ourselves by the nature of being universe in itself.
The word reverent resonates with me today. I choose to be reverent toward myself, my inner magic, my body.
This is the only appropriate way to treat ourselves, and when we able to feel reverent about ourselves we acknowledge the true nature of who we are. The choices get simpler, the flow of inner joy restores and the tapestry of "ordinary" things seeing as a perfect playground to bring your contribution (your magic) to. At last, we create world, that is magical to us, the relationship and life that feels beyond utterly satisfying ... we live the life we meant to be living.
